Monday, March 23, 2009

Foot still, Foot still, Foot still... chunk

I went off again this weekend with my trusty Tommy Armour Silver Scott 7-iron to try to tame my swinging demon. My mission was to keep my front foot still and in turn try to keep my club head from moving in and out at impact. The result was I felt awkward the entire time and had trouble putting the ball in play in a respectable if not an ugly fashion. I put a button inside my sock under the ball of my big toe so that every time I put pressure on it it would remind me to keep it still. The button worked (in the fact that i remembered to remember my foot) but then my weight distribution got all mixed up during my swing and it still moved slightly. If you see anything that may help let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I looked over the video a few times and while you have great tempo I found something that you definitely need to fix.
    Everything should start with the grip and we talked about that Friday. Your grip doesn't look too bad in this video. I still want to go hit and see how it looks close up.
    The main thing I see from these swings is that your chin is buried behind your left shoulder which is telling me that your arms are actually having to wrap around your head giving you almost no leverage what so ever coming down because your having to come back around your head. Concentrate on keeping your chin up so that your shoulder comes underneath it. This keeps your head out of the way and treats your shoulders, arms, hands, and club like the pendulum they should be. Correcting the angle of your back at address will help a little (you kind of want to lean over a bit because you seem to stand upright). Let's go hit balls this week. I'm sending you still frames of your position from this video to your email.
